Schwierigkeit |
29057 hm |
29117 hm |
Tiefster Punkt |
Hřensko 115 m |
Höchster Punkt |
Sněžka 1603 m |
310:35 h |
1.060,5 km |
Via Czechia - North Trail - hiking

Quelle: Via Czechia - long distance trails in Czech Republic, Autor: Jan Hocek
Die Tour
The North Trail of Via Czechia is the longest hiking route in Czechia. The 1,060 km long trail connects westernmost and easternmost points of Czechia and climbs to highest mountain of the country, which is Sněžka (1,603 m). North Trail passes through 18 mountain ranges and geographical areas, over 8 protected landscape areas, 2 national parks and countless national nature reserves and natural monuments. If you complete the whole trail, you will have climbed over 50 peaks higher than 1,000 meters and set foot on the highest, lowest, westernmost and easternmost points of Czechia.
Unforgettable Journey
Via Czechia long-distance trails are inviting you to explore and enjoy the rich natural, historical and cultural heritage of the country that forms the heart of Europe.
Come and cross this small country from its westernmost to the easternmost border, explore its rich cultural heritage first shaped by the Celtic tribe of Boii, who left their mark not only in the name of the country “Bohemia” but also in the landscape by having built their centuries-lasting oppida. Stop in small towns and sites of Christian pilgrimage nestled along the way – the silent witnesses of the glory of the ancient Kingdom of the Czech Crown, and let the footpaths lead you again through the countless mountain ranges, picturesque sceneries and deep forests.
Easy to Plan
Hiking the entire trail takes between six and seven weeks. If you choose to ride a bike it will take you from two to three weeks one way. Links to all stages and gpx files are to be found on Via Czechia website.
You don’t have to hike the entire trail at once. The trail is broken down to stages the start and finish of which are served by public transportation.
Each daily stage finishes in a place that caters for hikers and bikers and offers convenient accommodation. We mapped the providers along the trail and prepared a list of recommended mountain lodges, hotels, guest houses.
Easy to Navigate
The trails follow the hiking paths marked by color-coded signs of the Czech Tourist Club. The Club’s world-unique trail marking system was established over 100 years ago and has been developed and maintained by its members on a voluntary basis ever since.
Technik |
Beste Jahreszeit
Westernmost point of Czechia
Easternmost point of Czechia
The trail is broken down to 47 daily stages, each roughly 20 – 25 kilometers long, and to 15 sections, representing separate mountain ranges or geomorphological regions. These sections are:
1. Fichtel Mountains - 72 km - 3 days
2. Ore Mountains - 186 km - 8 days
3. Elbe Sandstone Mountains and Czech Switzerland - 71 km - 4 days
4. Lusatian Mountains - 52 km - 2 days
5. Jested Ridge - 22 km -1 day
6. Jizera Mountains - 72 km - 3 days
7. Giant Mountains - 70 km - 4 days
8. Broumov Highlands - 93 km - 4 days
9. Orlické Mountains - 73 km -3 days
10. Králický Sněžník - 46 km - 2 days
11. Rychleby Mountains - 20 km - 1 day
12. High Ash Mountains - 41 km - 2 days
13. Nízký Jeseník Mountains - 102 km - 4 days
14. Moravian Gate - 25 km - 1 day
15. Moravian–Silesian Beskids - 113 km - 5 days
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